

Recommended for:

Day Schools and Adults looking for an enriching, live, synchronous experience about Israel, Jewish History, Holocaust Education and Contemporary Jewish Issues. 

ISRAED was created in order to provide an easy to use and accessible resource for all those seeking to deepen their connection to Israel and Judaism. With the exception of actually visiting Israel, there is no better way to achieve this connection then by a virtual visit and by learning from educators who reside in Israel and can share the rhythm and vibrancy of Israeli society.

The best way to learn about Israel is to come here and walk the streets/visit the sites/talk to the people. The second best to learn about Israel is to virtually come here and walk the streets/visit the sites/talk to the people.

The Distance Learning Experience:

  • Provides students with the feeling that “we are here”
  • Gives your class the ability to access information and resources that are not available in your local region
  • Offers an “out of the classroom experience” within the classroom
  • Affords students the opportunity to see out of a “window to the world” thereby gaining fresh perspectives and ideas


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There are two modes of distance learning: Asynchronous and Synchronous. Asynchronous refers to programs that “reside” online and can be  accessed on demand. Many of these programs have various “discussion forums” and the like so that teachers and students can communicate with one another. Synchronous refers to classes that are delivered live by the remote presenter.

The reasons we prefer the synchronous mode are:

  • Synchronous presentations allows the presenter to tailor make the session to the unique needs of the particular group.
  • Synchronous presentations do not require the onsite educator to have prepared the material in advance.
  • Synchronous presentations foster the natural social interaction of the class setting
  • Synchronous presentations allow for spontaneous discussion and debate to emerge from the group
  • Synchronous presentations can be followed by questions and immediate answers regarding the material covered.

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Length of program: Enrichment, Courses

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UnitED has collated these resources and programs for the convenience of the Jewish Day School world. We do not guarantee the efficacy of any program. All due diligence is for the user to research and to be in direct contact with the provider.