The Jewish Teacher Project

The Jewish Teacher Project

Recommended for:

The Jewish Teacher Project is recommended for teachers of Modern Israel, Jewish history, Tefilla, Rabbinics and Tanakh, in grades 3-12, for exploring resources in archaeology, cartography, offering media, articles and relevant educational links.


Curriculum Resources for Teaching Tanakh תנ”ך

The teaching of Tanakh and other key Jewish texts has been the cornerstone of Jewish education for hundreds of years.  While the texts remain the same, teaching them has changed in ways that most of us could not have imagined just a few years ago!  Follow the links below to see the latest news in archaeology, cartography, and other resources important to the study of the Bible.

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UnitED has collated these resources and programs for the convenience of the Jewish Day School world. We do not guarantee the efficacy of any program. All due diligence is for the user to research and to be in direct contact with the provider.