Herzog Global is a division within Herzog College responsible for the connection between Israel and Diaspora Jewry. It unites sub-departments in various languages (including English, Spanish and French) that operate in various countries around the world.
Herzog Global manages academic programs in collaboration with universities and academic institutions around the world, such as international conferences, training programs for teachers in the Diaspora, joint courses, advanced professional development opportunities for educators and joint publications in various languages.
Herzog prides itself on a deep dive into the concepts of ‘Internalization’ and ‘Reflection’ during their pedagogical training. They focus on connecting students to learning material through deep analysis of the text. Herzog Global, in conjunction with the Israeli Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, is currently offering a 900 hour online teacher training program, which culminates in studying summer 2021 in Israel. The cost is $750, as it is heavily subsidized by the government of Israel. Participants receive a Certificate in Teaching Jewish Studies in the Diaspora.
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